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Experience the Magic of Mountaindale!

Nestled in the stunning, forested hills of North Plains, Oregon, Mountaindale North Day Camp is where memories are made and lifelong friendships are born.

Fun for Campers and Adults!

Our camp offers a week of fun, connection, and adventure for adults and campers alike. It’s no surprise that our volunteers—parents, grandparents, relatives, former campers and PAs, and local community members—return year after year to be part of something truly special.

​Our incredible volunteers are the heart of our camp, and we’re always excited to welcome new adults into our growing Mountaindale North volunteer community.

We hope that you will consider joining us this summer!

Hiking up a trail at Mountaindale North Day Camp.

How to Become a MNDC Volunteer

  • All campers and PAs ride the bus unless they are traveling to camp with an adult volunteer.*

    • ​The first step to becoming a volunteer at Mountaindale North is to register through our online registration system (

    • Volunteer registration opens at the beginning of March and ends on May 30 for the current year's camp.

    • Please register as early as possible to help us plan for how many campers we can admit to camp. Thank you!

  • All campers and PAs ride the bus unless they are traveling to camp with an adult volunteer.*

    Current troop leaders and Girl Scout volunteers can skip this step.

    • For all others, the camp will purchase your Girl Scouts membership if you do not already have one.

    • If the camp purchases you a new or renewed registration, this purchase will trigger a background check application—please look for an email from a company called Assurint and follow the instructions once you receive it. 

    • It is important to get your background check done quickly, as it can take several days to process.

  • All campers and PAs ride the bus unless they are traveling to camp with an adult volunteer.*

    Girl Scouts has two online trainings required for all new camp volunteers:

    • 664 GSOSW Foundations

    • 664 GSOSW Mandatory Reporter Training for Volunteers

    These trainings will become available online through your MyGS account once your membership has been activated. On the MyGS home page, choose GSLearn in the left navigation.

    If you are a current or former troop leader or if you have recently volunteered at a Girl Scout camp, you can skip this step. If you are missing any of the required training modules, we will contact you.

  • Prior to Indoor Training (STEP 5), volunteers will receive their unit assignment and the contact information for their co-leader(s) and unit PAs.

  • All campers and PAs ride the bus unless they are traveling to camp with an adult volunteer.*

    Indoor Training is a meeting for all camp volunteers and PAs to review camp procedures, learn about camp operations, and meet the other volunteers and PAs in your unit. You will also beging planning for camp, and familiarize yourself with your unit's badge requirements.


    Wednesday, May 21, 2025

    Oak Hills Rec Center

    2400 NW 153rd Ave, Beaverton, OR 97006


    New volunteer orientation: 5:30 p.m.
    Returning volunteers: 6:30 p.m.

    A light dinner will be provided.

    If you cannot attend indoor training, please email the volunteer coordinator at

  • All campers and PAs ride the bus unless they are traveling to camp with an adult volunteer.*

    Mountaindale North Outdoor Training takes place at Mountaindale the Saturday before camp. During this training, volunteers and PAs will help set up camp units and learn about camp.


    Date: Saturday, July 19. 2025 at the Mountaindale Program Center

    10 am - 4 pm 

    If you cannot attend outdoor training, please email the volunteer coordinator at

Benefits of Volunteering

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Guaranteed Admission

Children who attend camp with an adult volunteer are guaranteed a spot at camp.* 

* Volunteer must commit to being at camp for at least 3 days and must also be a parent, guardian, relative, or official caretaker,

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50% Registration Fee Refund

Campers and PAs who attend camp with a full-time volunteer will receive a 50% refund on their registration fees once camp is complete.**

**Boys and Widgets receive the discount at registration. To qualify for the rebate, the volunteer must be over 18, be the camper's parent, guardian, relative, or official caretaker, and must attend camp all 5 days. 

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Bring Your Kids

Our camp offers "Tagalong" units exclusively for the children of our volunteers. The Widgets unit is for preschool-aged children, and our Boys unit is for school-aged boys entering 1st grade and up.***

*** Campers in the Widgets and Boys units may only attend camp when their adult volunteer is at camp.

Volunteer Opportunities

Camper Unit Leaders

An ideal role for current or former troop leaders, our camp's unit leaders are in charge of individual Girl Scout level camp units: Daisies (1st grade), Brownies (2nd-3rd grade), Juniors (4th-5th grade).

Outdoor Explorers & Nature

Do you have a passion for outdoor skills such as fire-building, knife skills, knot-tying, plant identification, or orienteering? If so, our Outdoor Explorers (6th grade) or Nature Unit could be the perfect fit for you!

Specialty Units

The camp's specialty units lead group activities throughout the camp.  Specialty units include archery, first aid, songs and games, supplies, and arts and crafts.


The kitchen prepares meals for our camp overnight, supervises camper cooking activities, oversees the distribution of snacks throughout the day, organizes ice cream making for each unit, and prepares Friday's lunch.

Health Advisors

Health Advisors provide first aid and health services to campers and adults.

Administrative & More

We also have several administrative roles, such as registrar, volunteer coordinator, camp photographer, communications manager, and more.

A Volunteer's Day at Camp

Daily Staff meeting at Mountaindale North Day Camp

8:30 am

Daily Staff Meeting

Your day begins with a daily staff meeting in Marilyn's Place while the children gather outside in the meadow or on the porch, supervised by the PAs.


Coffee and snacks are provided for all volunteers inside Marilyn's.


After the meeting, we check our unit mailboxes, grab our walkies and head to morning flag. 

Morning Flag at Mountaindale North Day Camp

9:00 am

Morning Flag

After the daily staff meeting, all adult volunteers head to the flag, where we gather with the entire camp.


During Morning Flag, PAs put on skits and sing songs with the campers, followed by the Girl Scout flag-raising ceremony and morning announcements.

Archery at Mountaindale North Day Camp

9:30 am -2:45 pm

Camp FUN!

Your Program Aides (PAs) lead the way, filling the day with engaging activities for your campers while adult volunteers act as supervisors to the action.


Activities include nature hikes, arts and crafts, archery, songs and games, and more!

Afternoon Flag at Mountaindale North Day Camp

3:00 pm

Afternoon Flag

Afternoon flag begins with more songs and skits, plus closing awards from our specialty units (songs & games, nature, supplies, kitchen, and arts & crafts).


Whichever units winds up with Mugwumps (our camp mascot sock animals), will sing "Squirrely" for everyone!


Another group of campers will lead the Girl Scout flag retirement ceremony, and everyone will sing TAPS.

Buses departing Mountaindale North Day Camp.

3:30 pm

Load Buses & Depart Mountaindale

Once afternoon flag is done, campers and PAs get on their buses and depart Mountaindale. ​​


Volunteers can leave once the buses depart.​​​

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