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Patch Contest

Mountaindale North Fun Patches

Win a Week of Free Camp!

Each year, our camp holds a design contest for the next summer's camp Fun Patch.

  • On Monday of camp week, the following year's camp theme will be revealed.

  • Campers will receive a Patch Contest entry form from their unit leaders.

  • If your camper loses their form, you can download and print out a Blank Patch Contest Form.

  • Using the form, campers create a design for the following year's Fun Patch (either at camp or at home).

  • Each camper can submit one design.

  • All designs are due on Wednesday and will be collected by the unit leaders.

  • Designs will be posted for all campers to vote for the design they like best.

  • The winner will be announced on Friday during flag down.

  • The winner receives a free week of camp the following summer.

  • The prize is non-transferable and must be used in the designated year.

  • The camp registrar will email the camper's parent a discount code before next year's registration.

Moundaindale North Fun Patches
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