Patch Contest

Win a Week of Free Camp!
Each year, our camp holds a design contest for the next summer's camp Fun Patch.
On Monday of camp week, the following year's camp theme will be revealed.
Campers will receive a Patch Contest entry form from their unit leaders.
If your camper loses their form, you can download and print out a Blank Patch Contest Form.
Using the form, campers create a design for the following year's Fun Patch (either at camp or at home).
Each camper can submit one design.
All designs are due on Wednesday and will be collected by the unit leaders.
Designs will be posted for all campers to vote for the design they like best.
The winner will be announced on Friday during flag down.
The winner receives a free week of camp the following summer.
The prize is non-transferable and must be used in the designated year.
The camp registrar will email the camper's parent a discount code before next year's registration.